Introduction to HortonworksDataFlow
Hortonworks Solution Engineer
蒋燚峰是Hortonworks的资深解决方案工程师。他为整个Hortonworks亚太地区的多个行业的客户提供大数据解决方案。他最大的客户部署多达上千节点的HDP集群。他同时是HBase Administration Cookbook 书的作者。在这之前,蒋燚峰曾经是雅虎日本,乐天和亚马逊(AWS)的软件工程师。他有丰富的Hadoop,大数据,PaaS和云计算的架构,设计和实现经验。
Topic:Introduction to HortonworksDataFlow
HortonworksDataFlow, powered by Apache NiFi, is an integrated platform to collect, conduct and curate real-time data, moving it from any source to any destination. HortonworksDataFlow provides data logistics- real-time operational visibility and control of dataflows – enabling real-time decision making from the streaming data generated by a world of hyper-connected people, systems and things.
Delivering data in a fast, easy and secure way, with prioritization, congestion management and clear traceability from the jaggededge into the core, HortonworksDataFlow (HDF™) is an ideal solution for the Internet of Anything (IoAT). A seamless component of the Hortonworks ConnectedData Platforms strategy, HortonworksDataFlow transforms big data ingest from months to minutes.
大数据生态系统 大数据安全;存储;YARN;HDFS命名空间等;
大数据与工业4.0 电力、电网、能源、炼钢等;
大数据与电子商务 国内互联网主流电商企业应用与架构分享
金融大数据 银行、证券、个人征信、企业征信、量化投资与大数据
智慧城市与大数据 交通、医疗、安防、税务工商、旅游等
计算引擎与实时计算 Spark、Tez、Impala、Flink、Google Mesa、Storm、Fafka等
大数据即服务 Azure、AWS、阿里云、Docker/Container、Mesos等
NewSQL/NoSQL HBase/Druid;MongoDB/CouchDB;VoltDB;SequaioDB;Hana等
数据挖掘与图计算 R语言、GraphLab、GraphX、OrientDB等
数据仓库与可视化 EBay Kylin、LinkedIn Cubert、QlikView、Tableaue等
大数据创业与融投资 分享大数据领域的创业团队和故事
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