Jeff Markham讲解Spark和YARN的融合以及YARN应用的开发
Jeff Markham
Hortonworks是一家开源Hadoop版本的提供商。在此之前,Jeff曾在VMware,Red Hat和IBM使用分布式数据来帮助企业构建分布式应用程序。他曾为Hadoop的用户组写过Java应用程序开发方面的文章并在会上公开演讲。Jeff对Apache Pig和ApacheHDFS做出过贡献。他也是《Apache Hadoop YARN: Moving Beyond MapReduce and BatchProcessing with Apache Hadoop 2》这本书的合著者。
Keynote Subject: Spark and YARN
Abstract: Since the introduction of Hadoop 2, YARN hasbeen the cornerstone of new applications built on Hadoop. Applicationscome in various forms: existing open source applications ported to YARN,proprietary software made to run on a Hadoop cluster, or even customapplications. In this session, we’ll talk about how the two most popularopen source projects of the past 5 years have come together. Spark andYARN come together to create a compelling technical and business solution. Find out the latest on what’s happening in this space.
Session Subject: YARN Application Development
Abstract: Building custom applications on top ofYARN is a daunting task. Some frameworks exist to address some of thecomplexity but none address all the issues you’ll face. In this session,we’ll have a code review of a simple application that we can test, debug, anddeploy to YARN. Find out how to incorporate newer YARN features such asthe Registry and Timeline Server into your own custom apps.
- 本文版权由演讲者与China HADOOP大数据资讯网共同拥有,转载请保留原文来源链接及公众号信息,违者必究。
- China HADOOP Summit 2016 上海站将于7月29日30日在上海市召开,现向业界召集演讲。有兴趣的朋友请联系我们。
- 大数据生态系统 大数据安全;存储;YARN;HDFS命名空间等;
- 大数据与工业4.0 电力、电网、能源、炼钢等;
- 大数据与电子商务 国内互联网主流电商企业应用与架构分享
- 金融大数据 银行、证券、个人征信、企业征信、量化投资与大数据
- 智慧城市与大数据 交通、医疗、安防、税务工商、旅游等
- 计算引擎与实时计算 Spark、Tez、Impala、Flink、Google Mesa、Storm、Fafka等
- 大数据即服务 Azure、AWS、阿里云、Docker/Container、Mesos等
- NewSQL/NoSQL HBase/Druid;MongoDB/CouchDB;VoltDB;SequaioDB;Hana等
- 数据挖掘与图计算 R语言、GraphLab、GraphX、OrientDB等
- 数据仓库与可视化 EBay Kylin、LinkedIn Cubert、QlikView、Tableaue等
- 大数据创业与融投资 分享大数据领域的创业团队和故事
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