演讲嘉宾:Ted Yu (Hortonworks, HBase Committer)
个人简介:拥有15年软件开发经验,以及超过三年的HBase开发经验,2011年成为HBase代码提交者和PMC的成员 。最近参与了HBase 0.96项目的开发, 具体包括:引入Write-Ahead-Log接口,使得能够加载多种WAL实现;开发表的快照功能; 开发WAL重播以降低MTTR。同样他还密切关注HDFS、Zookeeper和YARN。同时是HOYA代码提交者。
演讲题目:New developments in HBase
内容简介:There're some new features in 0.96 release. Namely:
Reduced MTTR - Reliability has been greatly enhanced. Detection of region server downtime is close to 0. Data recovery is around 10 seconds. Distributed log replay allows region server to accept writes while recovering WAL.
Stripe compaction - is suitable for compacting table which receives time series data.
HBase on YARN - HBase deployment is managed through YARN framework. This provides flexible resource allocation through dynamic freeze / thaw / flex capabilities.