演讲嘉宾:Laurence Liew
个人简介:Laurence Liew is a veteran of the open source, Linux and High Performance Computing/Grid/Cloud community and has been promoting the use of Linux/HPC/Grid/Cloud since 1998.
Laurence was involved in building the very first commercial Linux cluster for a Singapore research institute in 1999 and has since implemented and consulted for many organizations in APJ, Europe and US, on HPC, Grid and now Cloud and Big Data Analytics. Laurence also led a team from 2002- 2006 in Singapore to co-develop the San Diego Supercomputer Centre's Rocks toolkit - the world's most popular open source HPC cluster management system - which is now used to power many of the world's largest Hadoop clusters for big data analytics.
Laurence is the General Manager of Revolution Analytics for Asia Pacific and is responsible for Revolution's business in Asia. He also runs Revolution's development team responsible for putting Revolution R in the Cloud.
Laurence graduated from National University of Singapore (NUS) with First Class Honours in Engineering, and holds a Master in Knowledge Engineering from NUS.
演讲题目:Economics is Driving Big Data Analytics to the Cloud
演讲简介:It is inevitable. Big data analytics will migrate to the cloud. In this session we will discuss why cloud and big data is a natural fit for each other and why we think 50% of all big data analytics workload will migrate to the cloud within the next 2 years